Middleburg Garden Club
Middleburg Garden Club Christmas Greens Show
Free and Open to the Public
A juried flower show involving themed entries from area garden clubs and the sale of Christmas greens, baked goods and gifts.
It was about fifty years ago that the Middleburg Garden Club held their first "Christmas Greens Show," and for most of those years, it has been held at Emmanuel Church Parish House.
Originally a small intra-club event with a few exhibitors, it has grown into a juried, inter-club show, which attracts entrants from all over northern Virginia and turns the lovely Parish Hall into a floral fairy-land. Its goal is two fold: To inspire visitors and residents with ideas for decorating their own homes, and to show what beautiful designs can be achieved by Club members with a splash of talent, time and a love of plants and flowers.
Each juried category is symbolic of the season while house plants and horticultural specimens indicate the variety of evergreens available around the Piedmont.
In early December every year the show opens to the public. The Greens Show heralds the opening of the Christmas Season in Middleburg and offers not only beautiful floral arrangements, but lush greens and wreaths for decorating homes, plus home-made jams, cakes and even small holiday gifts. The Middleburg Garden Club looks forward to welcoming YOU to its annual Greens Show.