Seven Loaves

A ministry supported by people in and around Middleburg, Loudoun County and Fauquier County
A ministry that provides food to families in need each month
A ministry that provides school supplies and other items to children in need
Seven Loaves is located at
Middleburg United Methodist Church
15 West Washington Street
Middleburg, VA 20117
Monday, Wednesday, and Friday
10:00am to noon
By the Numbers
Seven Loaves:
served 571 families, made up of 2,246 people
972 of these individuals were under 18 years of age
1,113 were adults 19 to 64 years of age,
161 were seniors, over 65 years of age
Supporting Organizations
Emmanuel Episcopal Church, Middleburg
Emmanuel Episcopal Church, Delaplane
Long Branch Baptist Church, The Plains
Middleburg Baptist Church
Middleburg Lions Club
Middleburg United Methodist Church
Our Redeemer Episcopal Church, Aldie
St. Stephens Roman Catholic Church, Middleburg
Willisville United Methodist Church, Upperville
How You May Help
Purchase additional food items today and leave in the basket for Seven Loaves. Suggested purchases include: canned meat, peanut butter, canned juice, other canned items.
Volunteer your time to stock and staff the food bank.
Financial gifts are welcome. Seven Loaves receives no federal or state assistance. Their budget is funded by gifts from churches, local organizations, and individuals.
Pray for this ministry and pray for the day when all needs are met and this ministry will no longer be needed.